There is something rather delectable about the taste of homegrown vegetables and there is something satisfying about preparing and serving them.
Surprisingly not that much of a faff actually. There are some basics to look out for;
You don’t need to have huge areas of space but you do need to plan wisely how you use your space and what to put where. It’s also important to think about what vegetables you want to grow, what do you and your family eat most and how many are you looking to grow – don’t over plant else you may end up having veggies coming out of your ears!
Anglain homes have created a fantastic cheat sheet on this here.
RHS also have a fabulous library of vegetables detailing how to grow and sow each one and common problems to expect.
Hardy winter vegetables such as broccoli and kale will need to be planted late spring/early summer as they need a good amount of time to mature.
Ideal for planting late summer are:
Beware of caterpillars, flea beetles, slugs and cabbage whitefly. All of these pests will attack your lovely veggies.
Happy vegging folks!